
Mostrando las entradas de febrero, 2020

Who needs an Architect?

What is architecture? The author defines architecture as "a word we use when we want to talk about design but want to puff it up to make it sound important". The RUP, working off the IEEE definition, defines architecture as “the highest level concept of a system in its environment. The architecture of a software system (at a given point in time) is its organization or structure of significant components interacting through interfaces, those components being composed of successively smaller components and interfaces.” What makes a component significant? "It is significant because the expert developers say so". “In most successful software projects, the expert developers working on that project have a shared understanding of the system design. This shared understanding is called ‘architecture.’ This understanding includes how the system is divided into components and how the components interact through interfaces. These components are usually composed of sma

Software Architecture

There are various similitude's between developing software and building a structure that´s why we often use architecture terms when talking about software. To design a building architects take a lot into consideration, they need to ensure a building feasible to fabricate, balancing all the aspects involved: user requirements, construction methods, maintainability, etc. Architecture matters and it could set the difference between having a beautiful well built house that would last decades from a house where living would be disastrous. Imagine that but for software. A well defined architecture of the software will have direct influence on the design and future growth of a software system that's why it´s really important to get it right from start. There are four commonly recognized views: The conceptual or logical view: This shows the major parts of the system and their interconnections. The implementation view: This view is seen in terms of the real implementation modul

Moon Machines

It´s amazing the things humans can achieve together, there was a time when the limit was the sky, but now the limit is far beyond. I always have been fascinated by the moon, I used to believe she was always following me. Since I can remember my dad had always told me about the arrival of man to the moon, on how he and the entire country, the entire world was following the broadcast of that magnificent event "a small step for a man a giant leap for mankind" those were the words that marked humanity for eternity. When remembering the arrival of man to the moon, the first names and faces that come to mind are: Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin the first men that walked on the moon. Sometimes we forget about all the people that made it possible. It would have been impossible to conceive the success of the Apollo 11 mission without the team that developed the navigation system of the ship used by the astronauts. In those years developing a system of that magnitude was an enormo

Introduction Beto

Hey there, I'm Beto, I'm from the State of Mexico, currently studying Computer Systems Engineering at the greatest university in the universe <3. My expectations about this course are varied. I really hope to learn a lot, apart from that I expect to have a fun time with my classmates. There are several things I love: art, technology and books. I'm a passionate reader and sometimes I write a little. Apart from that I really like music, playing videogames, hanging out with friends, etc. Let´s talk about books. I'm looking forward to read "Crime and Punishment" from Fiodor Dostoyevsky,  and "Pedro Paramo" from the renowned writer Juan Rulfo. About TV series: I recently enjoyed "You" and My hero Academia an anime about students with super powers preparing to be superheroes. That's all for now. Well, bye :D