Moon Machines

It´s amazing the things humans can achieve together, there was a time when the limit was the sky, but now the limit is far beyond.

I always have been fascinated by the moon, I used to believe she was always following me. Since I can remember my dad had always told me about the arrival of man to the moon, on how he and the entire country, the entire world was following the broadcast of that magnificent event "a small step for a man a giant leap for mankind" those were the words that marked humanity for eternity.

When remembering the arrival of man to the moon, the first names and faces that come to mind are: Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin the first men that walked on the moon. Sometimes we forget about all the people that made it possible. It would have been impossible to conceive the success of the Apollo 11 mission without the team that developed the navigation system of the ship used by the astronauts.

In those years developing a system of that magnitude was an enormous challenge, there was not many references on how to generate a system as complex, with a "short"due time and with not so much experience to begin with. Still, knowing the amount of risks and complexity of it an important number of MIT researchers among other professionals set their hands to the task.

The development was so tough that many of the developers working on the system had to divorce they even spent Christmas working.

The arrival of man to the moon represented the culmination of effort by many people involved on the project. Without their effort and sacrifice it would not have been possible. It was a huge step for technology, the impact is still present today.



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