Hidden Figures

Hidden Figures

For me was unexpected to watch this movie on class, it surprised me a lot the way that address several topics that happened on the USA around 1960: the racism , the cold war, the launch of the Apollo 11 and of course the arriving of men on the Moon.

I decided to divide this blog in three sections, to tell from my point of view this topic and how it's related with the movie.

It's not a mystery the United States have always suffered of racism, an evil they have never being able to eradicate. The situation today is really different from the one lived on 1960, hidden figures portrait it in a close look on how those years were. Imagine being a woman and black in the late 1960, just 12 years have passed since women can vote, sexism is still predominant. Here is where Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan and Mary Jackson going against all adversities achieve individual success contributing directly on the success of the USA and of humanity itself.

The cold war was rising, tensions between countries where high, in the middle of that the arrival of man to the moon was critical, it was a race between nations that will determine humanity destiny. Against all odds Katherine Johnson a genius mathematician pass from being a NASA computer (someone who makes several calculus in little time) to being the one who contribute in great quantity to the calculus required to send a man to the moon.

While Katherine Johnson was achieving success and helping her country while doing it Dorothy Vaughan prepared and study to not being superseded by the new computers, Dorothy became expert on "Fortan" one of the late programming languages of the "future" taking with her several coworkers with her. While that was happening Mary Jackson became the first afroamerican woman on achieving an engineering degree at NASA.

Hidden figures is the untold story of how 3 afroamerican women going against all odds set a precedence in science contributing to the Apollo 11 launch.


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