The 4+1 View Model

The 4+1 View Model

Developed on 1995 by Philippe Krunchten. This model break down the whole into sets of related parts. Is composed of the Logical View, the Process view, the Physical view, the Development view and the Use Case View.

Logical view: Shows the parts that comprise the system it describes the system object model. And it has the following UML's: Class diagrams, state diagrams, object diagrams, sequence diagrams and communication diagrams.

Process view: Describes as system´s processes it's UML is the Activity diagram.

The Physical view: Maps software artifacts onto the hardware that hosts them. It has the deployment UML diagram.

Development view: Gives a building-block view of the system which is composed of  system's modules, or components, including packages, subsystems, and class libraries. It uses the component UML diagram and the package diagram.

Use case View: Show the system functionality, is helpful in defining and explaining the structure and functionality of the other 4 views. It uses use case diagrams.

The 4+1 view model is a powerful programming tool which gives us the ability to break a programming development into separated parts, allowing us to have more control an  understanding of the problem/concept.

The Elephant and the Blind Programmers

An object has different points of view, the view you'll get will depend on where are you looking at.

To understand how the Elephant is, one side of view isn't enough, multiple types of view are required to portrait it.

Programming is like the Elephant metaphor, we are like blind programmers trying to understand an abstract concept/problems.

Programming is not just coding, programming requires to analyze a problem/concept to understand it the more we can, knowing the problem from different views, not staying with just one point of view.



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